Kepialu and Kelantan
Hi.... my name is apik and i live in Kota Bharu.. right now there's an outbreak of typhoid.. and we are all like, living in fear... a bit too paranoid...
well then, this can make my holiday worst... first of all the only activity that i can do during my holidays is hanging out.... and what more, in kelantan thats the only thing you can do... and now, theres this typhoid thingy and we were advised not to eat out... so there's no point of going out afterall... and that will make my life so boring... damn...
the wheather is very hot this time of the year... there's no rain for a very long time now according to my old man... hot... even at night...
i am rambling about my life.... its not phatetic... far from it... in fact my life is doing great right now... its just that i am missing someone and i felt pretty much lonely... hahaha..
one point to ponder... kelantanese dont really like the idea of parking in the designated parking box... you know, the yellow line box outlining your parking area... the idea is, if you park in the box you'll have to pay for it... theres a parking meter... and if you park out side, you wont be charged.... now thats what i think... and if you happen to park in the box people will assume you'll park there for a long time and so they'll park their cars behind you... and when you come back to your car you'll find someone have double parked... there you go, stuck there when you are actually in a hurry and for obeying the law you get screwed up... maybe afterall, kelantanese is pretty much rebellious... even in such a small situation...
i want to dream...