Thursday, March 31, 2005


yeap... i changed the layout... well i'm kinda bored with complex design... so here's a bit simple one... hahahhaha... simply said, this layout design reflects my state of mind right now... simple and clean... not much of a mind distortion....

i'm coming out clean... crystal clear as the melting snow... in fact i am transparent.... everyone can see whats inside me... nothing but happy...

life couldnt be much better than now... its like all my hatred against life vanished into thin air... how lovely yet how astounding it is... when life grants you love, it is something thats very special... well maybe for someone who've been longing for love so damn much, then it will mean so much that you will appreciate it and hold onto it with your dear life...

something to ponder at, are we nearing the end of the world? people say strange things occur quite often these days... and a lot of people seems to loose hope just because of this... i say just go on with your life... if its gonna be any catastrophic event then let it be... even if its gonna be the end of all endings then let it be... cause everything you do wont change it... if its going to happen soon, then it will happen... if it not gonna happen just yet, then thank god and pray that you wont die a virgin...

directly, i want to say, huda is great! i love her so much and she loves me as much as i do... and if anyone cant stand this then get a knife and stab yourself on the chest... and yes! licking your own spit is what everyone does every single day... remember the straw and the backwash...

ok... zzzzz!

Monday, March 28, 2005

Special Request

please reveal your identitiy Erin... and that anonymous dude....haiyoh.. kalo nak berkenalan ngan aku sila la direct.. kalo nak kutuk pon sila la direct.. aku bukan kaki pukul ok! tak suka pukul orang... suka kutuk je.. mwahahahah!!!

Sunday, March 27, 2005

First Gig of April

hahaha... as direct as the title is, yeah it was our first gig as April!... wheee!!!

ok... lets start things off with todays recap...

at noon, Ayman lost his black bag which he uses to put his Zoom Multieffects and BOSS ODB, and what more, his brothers digicam was in that bag also... he lost it in the Cyberia carpark.. well actually he was carrying the bag and an amp... after loading the amp he forgot to put in the bag... so he went off to campus to pick us up but realized about the bag just minutes later... when he returned there the bag was already gone... damn!! well i hope it was not stolen, but actually somebody took it and is trying to find the owner right now... God please!!!

well then, nothing can be done now, and we had to head off to Paul's Place... the gig must be attended...

when we arrived there... another strange/unfortunate event happened... well as we all were going up stairs, we heard some dogs barking and a boy was screaming... as i look around i saw that boy was struggling to run from a pack of dogs, 5-6 dogs... those dogs were actually attacking him... man thats bad!! and so we rushed to the rescue!! ahhahah... kinda heroic but true, that boy needed help... luckily we were there... and the boy was saved but he was injured, quite bad... his calf was bitten pretty bad and bleeding... but he still could walk... and crying... pity him... so i told him to go to the clinic immediately... dogs bite is dangerous... you might get rabies!!

what made me more sad was that, no one there tried to help that boy... well actually there was some shops and mamak stalls there, and i could see that they were all just watched, helplessly at the incident... it was us, those who came for the gig and one chinese guy from the nearby restaurant who came and shoo off those bastard dogs and bitches... hahaha sorry for the emotion... man!! whats wrong with these people... when someone's in trouble, you must help, not just watch it like it was some freak show or anything... damn!!!! damn!!!

ok... now about the gig... well, it was a typical gig... it was fun.. and there's some interesting bands... and it was Aprils first gig... and we had to play despite of Ayman's lost... so he had to play with just his bass.. without effects... hahaha... yeah it really feels weird... kinda affect the songs... hahaha.. but its okay... i think the gig was fine... yeah!!!

ohh... this feeling is great!! makes me feel like i am out of this world... to have her... to have her in the band... to have her in my life.. to be in her life... everything is so surreal... yet it is real... great!! and all the greatness in the world seems to converge on this... on her and me...!!!

ok.. think i'll sign of now... a long entry it is... hahaha... oh.. for the pics... do visit my fotopages... find the link yourself.. hahahaha

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Totally Prodigious!!

today is awesome! about a year ago i went to a great concert, that was the incubus concert. and now i just came back from the pit party at KL Tower and there was prodigy! yes the prodigy themselves!! whoaa!!! i remembered way back then when i was totally into the matrix soundtracks... prodigy you guys!! cant fucking believe it!!

hahaha their set was kinda short, about an hour.. but i think it was worthy for an RM50 entrance.... nonetheless it was a great show!! though we all have to wait for about 2 hours there... and around 10-ish Reshmonu took the stage performing like 4-5 songs... and then another hour of waiting... hahaha by then it was already 11 o'clock...

sadly nurlin had to head home! awww... how awful! and there they went, huda and nurlin! fifty bucks for just waiting and Reshmonu...

the rest was just great!! really enjoy it... well besides of me being dead worried about her... hahahah...

yeah! i ought to have an entry for today so that i can record about the prodigy show here in KL... hahaha!! totally prodigious!!

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

That and What Number?

yeah! its three... hahaha... i know its not important but for my pathetic little life it is truely important... it has been very very fun and superbly great... wheee... i am so happy...

my life is in full bright colors....

oh.. i've noticed, i know that lately i've been ignoring my blog... updates are rare and far apart... not like i used to be... well you know... my days are occupied enough... and there's a lot of brain activities... so i am less and less thinking by myself... ahaha...

but not that i stop observing the world around me... just that i dont record it in here... maybe i will from time to time but it wont be that often anymore... ngeee...

anyhow, i'm writing this blog today is just to celebrate the number... the date 2 and the number 3... wheeeee... happy happy happy!!!

love <3 HuHu!!!!

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    Cik Nana