Saturday, March 27, 2004

i'm counting UFO's says Brandon... but how can he do it..? how is it possible to count UFOs?? and what the fuck is it for..? there's no point of it... there's no urgent value to it coz UFO's dont really exist at this point of time... and why am i argueing it? for the same reason here i dont know what is it for... it's just me who dont have any good points to come out with...

well perhaps there is some explaination for my doings.. for me to talk trash at this moment... for every reason i pointed out with full certainty, the uncertainty itself widens... it's the core of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle... coz we humans would never be certain about just anything in this world... to compensate this, people come out with ideas about fate and coincidence and about luck and destiny... are you really sure about your fate..?? is it becoz of destiny that you, right now are reading my rantings..?? is it becoz of pure luck that you ever get to where you are standing rite now...?? the chances are zero... coz the multi directional environment of three dimension itself is confined in the space-time continuum... what the fuck am i talking about....

in space-time reality, our mind works according to the rules that we ourselves set... the rules that govern all the physical happenings.... as we define the science that underlies beneath everything that occurs around us in a daily basis, we fail to see the things that are, to us, appears as metaphysics... things that our brain can interprete but cannot understands.. the driving force behind miracles and magics... the Force itself plays a major role in establishing our comprehension towards the true nature of human understanding... so now where am i heading..?

i'm trying to map out my thinking right now... if you think that it is somewhat abstract then print it out and put it in frames... hold an exhibition of some kind... and invite those people of arts to come and appreciate it, or rather bang on it...
sometimes i think every human minds have the same pattern... but with time, the pattern gradually reshape it self and goes on its own evolution route... to reach a distinctive form... in order to fully work with the body of the user...

in a poetic manner, i try to move myself around... gracefully and without much hesitation... as if i'm floating around in the ether... a massless body would be very nice... but without mass, can a body contains soul..? how can soul be dependent on the body that much..? cut the soul into half and experiment it with another body... do they share the same characteristics?? will they act on their own will or will they move in synchoronous to each other?... and what's the definition of soulmate if there ever was a soulmate for each of every pathethic souls on this shallow earth..?

we always amazed at how things work in this universe of us.. we adores the beauty of stars and interstellar bodies... we admires the the perfect creation of things... nothing is flawless... but still we wonders why it has to be that way..? little that we realize it should be that way... otherwise we will never be here if it dont be like the way it should be... there will be no us to admire at these things if everything was not like the way it is... the anthropic principle... we should realize this... or is it so hard to accept that everything was made for the sake of our existence..?? why..?? the answer is i dont know... religiously speaking, it's God's will... so we as a humble creature should be thankfull to Him...

with that i think i can sleep happily... and hoped that i can dream about going back in time..


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