Saturday, December 20, 2003

ahh... it's been a week since i update this blog... well it's not that lazy or what but it's becoz i just have nothing interesting to write about lately... well it is true since the purpose of me having a blogsite is just for writing my thoughts and things that are worth to note about...

so now i'm facing this lousy monitor screen of mine having no thoughts and just typing on blindingly with not much anticipation about whats coming out of my head.... it's just plain boring to have nothing to think about... well actually i'm taking some measures to ensure myself not to burden my brain to the extent that would cause my brain to heat up and misfunction.... i said misfunction coz my brain would start functioning asynchoronously with my action and/or words...

to begin with... well today i had two hours of class... a two different subject with an hour each and back to back... but both classes have no lecturers... i cant say that they were cancelled coz there's no notice or anything bout it... i dont know maybe it's becoz of the first week of the trimester or somekind... but they shouldn't do this.... ahh... it always like this.. when i'm in such a good mood of going to classes then there will be some other things that will distort my mood.... very disappointing coz i actually waited for an hour in front of the library building for the next class and there wasn't any... hahahahahhah funny coz i miss lunch after the friday prayer just to ensure that i'm not late to class...

so i spend the rest of the evening being hungry and in front of this again lousy monitor of mine surfing the net and hoping for someone on the YM to msg me... ( where in fact there's none ).... hahahaha... so you see... my life is actually a plain boring one... unless i do something to make it cheerful and bit more interesting then there's nothing that i can share proudly about my this so called life....

watched LOTR ROTK last thursday at GSC ioi mall... it's a breathtaking movie i would say though i'm not that fanatic or have so high level of anticipation towards that movie.... ( hehehe... hail to the matrix ) but in general the movie would put itself inline with other epic movies.... if not surpassing them.... what a big praise i gave to LOTR... hahaha... the battle scenes were really large scale and very thrilling.... well it should becoz it's the finale of such a long trilogy... to make the waiting worthwhile.... and what a relief... heheh...

it's one o'clock in the morning and i'm alone pretending to be a stone... moron... hahahaa... what to do..?? times like this will induce my hormone of hornism... ahahaha.. DONT!!!!

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    Cik Nana